Camping/Backpacking Gear
Camping and Backpacking isn't for everyone, but for those who enjoy it, they know that the gear can make or break a trip. Tyrol carries a range of camping and backpacking products from Packs, Tents, Sleeping bags and Stoves, to Cookware, Water filters, Headlamps and Maps. Whether you are a die-hard "ounce-counter" or a family car camper, we'd like to help you get geared up for your next outdoor adventure. Besides evaluating what equipment/clothing will be needed, we may be able to offer you suggested routes and other tips.
Top brands include:
- Big Agnes
- Camelbak
- Cascade Designs
- Eagle Creek
- Granite Gear
- Kleen Kanteen
- Leki
- Mountain Hardwear
- Petzl
- and Others
- Seattle Sports
- The North Face
- Tilly Endurables