1965 - 2025
60 Years of Quality Outdoor Gear -
Knowledgeable staff
with over 140 years of Tyrol
retail experience -
Friday, February 21, 2025
There's still plenty of winter left in SE Minnesota, but it's already time for Tyrol's Winter Clearance Sale! Save 25% on Downhill & XC Ski Equipment. Save 20% on Snowboards, Boots and Bindings. Adult Winter Outerwear, Winter Boots & Casual Clothing all 25% off. Save 15% on Snowshoes, Yakima Racks as well as Hiking and Casual Footwear. All Ski Goggles, Helmets & Ski Bags ON SALE. And Youth Winter Outerwear and Boots 40% OFF. It's a great time to stock up for next year. Shop early for best selection! Tyrol is southeastern Minnesota's go to for Winter sports. Downhill & Cross Country Ski, Snowboards, Snowshoes - we have it all.Tyrol also has a full service mounting and repair shop. Our sales people are ready to answer any questions about gearing up and getting outside this winter!
Tyrol Ski & Sports is a family-owned specialty outdoor store, selling quality apparel and equipment in Rochester MN since 1965! Tyrol is known for its popular outdoor brands including Columbia Sportswear, The North Face, Kuhl, Patagonia and many more. But shopping at Tyrol is about more than just the great gear and clothing. When you walk in you connect with a team of employees that are truly passionate about the outdoors and have first-hand experience with the products.The average length of time employed at Tyrol for our full time staff is 25 YEARS! We are here to share the information you need to learn a new outdoor activity, choose and maintain your gear, prep for your next trip and have fun outdoor adventures! .
Contact Us
1923 2nd Street SW
Rochester, MN 55902
1923 2nd St. SW, Rochester, MN 55902 • 1-507-288-1683